Singapore regulator issues consultation paper on short selling

2 Regulations for Short Selling
Specified capital markets products
2.1 MAS intends to scope the short order marking and short position reporting requirements to specified capital markets products, which refer to:
shares of a corporation whose primary listing is on an approved exchange; and
shares of a corporation whose secondary listing is on an approved exchange where –
(i) the shares of the corporation is a constituent of an index specified in the Second Schedule4 of the Regulations; or
(ii) the corporation is specified in the Third Schedule5 of the Regulations.
2.2 It is MAS’ view that in addition to primary listed shares, certain secondary listed shares on approved exchanges could also attract significant interest from market participants. An example would be a secondary listed share that is a constituent of a local stock market index. Another example would be a secondary listed share that used to be a constituent of a local stock market index. As these secondary listed shares may attract significant interest from market participants, it is MAS’ intention to subject these to short position and short sell order reporting requirements as well.
The full consultation paper is available here.

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