The FSB on securities finance data collection and aggregation: a good start but there are some tough points to resolve
Collateral Transfer Pricing: a new report from Finadium, InteDelta and SunGard (free with registration)
Corporates: how to invest their cash? Is non-intermediated access to centrally cleared tri-party repo coming?
Required Collateral on Cleared Derivatives at FCMs has been growing, but overall numbers remain remarkably low
New reports and articles on collateral for non-cleared derivatives; what are they saying? (Premium content)
Survey preview: insurance companies, fund managers and collateral policies (Finadium subscribers only)
TRS as the next financing tool? Reuters and the FT have the story and we have some conclusions (Finadium subscribers only)
The Economist writes about repo: “Neither liquid nor solid” and blames tight specials markets on regulatory change. Sorry, but no.
Wednesday News Roundup: repo failures, Germany collateralizes, bank benefits from collateral (Finadium subscribers only)
New data on why and when for collateral transformations in securities lending (Finadium subscribers only)
OTC Derivatives Market Notional Tops $700 trillion. But Gross Credit Exposure — the number to watch — drops to $3 trillion.