Advances in post trade, triparty and collateral

Advances in post-trade, triparty and collateral

3:00pm – 4:00pm, October 29, 2024

  • What recent changes in triparty are helping the market? Is more fragmentation of service providers causing friction?
  • Who is consuming post-trade data and what are they using it for?
  • Who needs transparency? What do they need it for?
  • What does this mean for enterprise-wide collateral optimization?
  • Has optimization finally made it to the front office?
  • Will the US repo clearing mandate lead to meaningful change in dealer and client post-trade repo activity?



Amy Caruso
Head of Collateral Initiatives


Sagar Patel
Executive Director
J.P. Morgan Chase

Gareth Jones
Chief Executive Officer
Euroclear Global Collateral

Bimal Kadikar
Founder and CEO

John Morik
Product Management and Strategy
BNY Clearance and Collateral Management

Gabi Mantle
Global Head of Post-Trade Solutions

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