Wematch launches “SM@RT Matching” for securities lending optimization

Wematch.live announced the launch of SM@RT Matching, a proprietary technology for lenders and borrowers to define their own rules and constraints on the platform. This can include risk-weighted asset (RWA) weighting linked to Tax ID, collateral schedules, currencies, borrower ranking, and lender ranking.

By leveraging direct connectivity with both lenders and borrowers to receive targeted availabilities and borrow needs in real time, the SM@RT Matching engine provides its best combination of trades based on the inputted constraints, maximizing efficiency for all parties involved.

David Raccat, co-founder & CRO of Wematch, said in a statement: “This innovative technology is a game-changer, empowering our clients to optimize their securities lending operations and find the best liquidity match based on their unique requirements.”

In addition to SM@RT Matching, Wematch offers API connectivity, allowing clients to input interests, access live market data and depth, and streamline the booking process. The platform provides direct connectivity with main post-trade vendors for auto-booking, tailored booking templates, and connectivity with clearing/CCP providers, offering a comprehensive end-to-end solution.

Elie Slama, co-founder & CTO of Wematch, said in a statement: “Our SBL live platform was entirely revamped in 2022 to accommodate general collateral (GC) flow as well as tailored workflows for underserved segments such as FRM [Financial Resource Management], HTB [hard to borrow], and corporate bonds. With a cloud-based serverless architecture, we can dynamically adapt to market size, handling over 10 million simultaneous interests in live data and processing up to 6,000 trades per minute.”


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