Finadium maintains complex datasets for the benefit of the financial services industry, where our subject matter expertise can add value in analysis and quality assurance. We also support clients with their own securities lending, repo and derivatives analytics. The data are available in three models:

  • Searches and queries available online for Finadium subscription clients
  • Supported access for custom analytics and consulting
  • Outsourced data management and analytics

Available databases

Hedge Fund/Prime Brokerage Relationships

Finadium maintains a database of hedge fund and prime brokerage relationships based on SEC Form ADV data. The data cover all hedge funds that are required to file with the SEC. The data elements include regulatory AUM, number of products, number of clients and geographic location. The database can be searched by individual hedge fund, fund manager, prime broker legal entity and prime broker common name. it can also show rankings of prime broker market share by hedge fund regulatory AUM.

Finadium clients click here for access

Repo Analytics

Finadium collects and distributes over 60 data points on US repo markets, updated daily. The data cover primary dealer positions, rates and volumes across multiple repo platforms, Federal Reserve rate and IOER data, primary dealer reports and more.

The database can be used to analyze the US repo markets for strategic planning, portfolio management, client communications and marketing.

Finadium clients click here for access

Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR)

Finadium collects Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR) data from European Trade Repositories and provides searchable tools by flexible primary filters. The data show total volumes lent, collateral and number of transactions across repo, securities lending and more. We offer several ways to view the data in a time series format based on user needs and product type.

Finadium clients click here for access

US Mutual Funds and ETFs in Securities Lending

Finadium provides an enhanced database of US mutual funds and ETFs in securities lending that incorporates SEC filings and additional industry content. The database delivers industry analysis of market trends and funds using leading factors such as strategy, benchmark, fund complex, fee splits, cash collateral fees and more. It also includes Form N-PORT-P data on borrowers of securities from US registered funds.

The database supports fund boards and management with corporate governance, program management, regulatory compliance and cost analysis, and building business model decisions based on peer analytics.

Finadium clients click here for access

US OTC Equity Derivatives

Finadium aggregates and cleans data on Total Return Swaps, Contracts for Difference and other OTC equity derivative products as provided by the DTCC’s Security Based Swaps Data Repository. Position and volume data can be searched by ticker or ISIN. The data shine light on an important dimension of leveraged trading activity on the long and short sides of the market.

Finadium clients click here for access

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