Australian regulator sues ASX over CHESS replacement

The Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) has commenced court proceedings against the Australia Securities Exchange (ASX) for allegedly making misleading statements related to its Clearing House Electronic Subregister System (CHESS) replacement project.

ASIC alleges statements made in ASX announcements on 10 February 2022 that the project remained “on-track for go-live” in April 2023 and was “progressing well” were misleading.

ASIC alleges these statements implied the project was tracking to ASX’s announced project plan and was on track to meet future milestones, including “go-live” in April 2023. ASIC alleges those representations were misleading and deceptive because, at the time of the announcements, the project was not tracking to plan and ASX did not have any reasonable basis to imply the project was on track to meet future milestones.

ASIC chair Joe Longo said in a statement: “ASX’s statements go to the heart of trust in the integrity of our markets. We believe this was a collective failure by the ASX Board and senior executives at the time.

“Companies and market participants rely on what the ASX says about its operations to make their own decisions and investments. We expect the ASX to be a place to list and invest with confidence. When the ASX falls short, it has wide ranging consequences across the market.

“We allege that the true state of affairs as at 10 February 2022 was that the project was not ‘progressing well’, contrary to ASX’s announcement.

“The delay and subsequent pause of the project in November 2022 caused significant cost to ASX and market participants who relied on assurances as to the progress of the project and scheduled go-live date.”

ASIC is yet to determine the penalty it will seek for ASX’s alleged contraventions.


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