According to the data presented by the Atlas VPN team, the government sector was the most affected by ransomware attacks in 2020, followed by banking. In total, 50% of last year’s ransomware attacks were directed at these industries among the top 10 most-targeted sectors.

The report shows that:
- Nearly 50% of last year’s ransomware attacks were directed at the government and banking industries among the top 10 most-targeted sectors.
- The government sector faced 31,906 ransomware attacks, while the banking sector suffered 22,082 attacks.
- Other industries in the top five include manufacturing (17,071), healthcare (15,701), and finance (4,917).
- WannaCry was responsible for 220,166 or nearly 87% of all last year’s top ransomware families’ attacks.
- Locky, ransomware came in second, with 15,816 attacks in 2020.
- Other ransomware families in the top five include Cerber (5,448), Ryuk (3,376), and GandCrab (2,326).