Atlas VPN: government and banking account for half of all ransomware attacks

According to the data presented by the Atlas VPN team, the government sector was the most affected by ransomware attacks in 2020, followed by banking. In total, 50% of last year’s ransomware attacks were directed at these industries among the top 10 most-targeted sectors.

Source: AtlasVPN

The report shows that:

  • Nearly 50% of last year’s ransomware attacks were directed at the government and banking industries among the top 10 most-targeted sectors.
  • The government sector faced 31,906 ransomware attacks, while the banking sector suffered 22,082 attacks.
  • Other industries in the top five include manufacturing (17,071), healthcare (15,701), and finance (4,917).
  • WannaCry was responsible for 220,166 or nearly 87% of all last year’s top ransomware families’ attacks.
  • Locky, ransomware came in second, with 15,816 attacks in 2020.
  • Other ransomware families in the top five include Cerber (5,448), Ryuk (3,376), and GandCrab (2,326).

Read the report

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