Bank of England: ring-fencing could require banks to hold GBP 3.3 billion in capital

15 October 2015
The Bank of England has today published two consultation papers: one on ring-fencing and one on operational continuity. These proposals will ensure that ring-fenced banks are protected from shocks originating in other parts of their groups, as well as the broader financial system, and can be easily separated from their groups in the event of failure.

Well-capitalised, resilient firms mean that when problems occur, critical economic functions, including retail banking, can be maintained and economic growth can be supported through ongoing banking activity.

Today’s proposals seek to ensure that ring-fenced banks have sufficient capital resources on a standalone basis, sheltering them from risks originating in other parts of their groups. The proposed rules also mean that a ring-fenced bank can be more easily detached from the wider group by ensuring intragroup arrangements operate on an arm’s length basis – helping ensure important services remain available in the event of a failure of other parts of the group.

Click here for “The implementation of ring-fencing: prudential requirements, intragroup arrangements and use of financial market infrastructures – CP37/15.

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