- Update sets out the adoption status of the Basel III framework in member jurisdictions as of end-September 2023.
- Shows good progress since previous report in October 2022 in implementing the outstanding Basel III standards with 1 January 2023 due date.
- Committee will continue to closely monitor and assess the full and consistent implementation of Basel III.
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision issued its progress update on the adoption of the Basel Framework. Since the last update as of end-September 2022, member jurisdictions have continued to make good progress in implementing the outstanding Basel III standards, with almost two-thirds of the new adoptions relating to these standards.
Most member jurisdictions have published draft rules and are in the process of implementing the outstanding Basel III standards, while around a third have implemented all, or the majority of them. The BIS has released an interactive monitoring dashboard to see the Q3 snapshot of progress across jurisdictions.