The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has published overviews of follow-up actions taken or planned by member jurisdictions as of end-2017 to address deviations from the Basel standards. This covers assessments that were completed and published as of end-2016.
The reports, which have not been reviewed or evaluated by the Basel Committee, outline the actions a jurisdiction has already taken or has planned. A summary of follow-up actions taken or planned by member jurisdictions is also published on the Basel Committee’s website. Follow-up reports for assessments completed and published as of end-2017 will be published in 2019.
In addition, the Basel Committee published an updated version of its Handbook for jurisdictional assessments. This incorporates lessons from the Committee’s experience in conducting Regulatory Consistency Assessment Program (RCAP) assessments and expands the methodology to cover assessments of the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) and the large exposures framework. These assessments have started this year.