BrokerTec And MTS Add Spain Index To RepoFunds Rate

BrokerTec, ICAP’s global electronic fixed income trading platform, and MTS, a leading fixed income electronic trading venue in Europe that is majority-owned by the London Stock Exchange Group, announce today that they are further expanding the RepoFunds Rate (RFR) indices by adding a Spanish Repo index. RepoFunds Rate, launched in 2012, is a series of daily European indices covering the German, French, Italian and Pan-European Repo markets.
Each RepoFunds Rate index accurately reflects the effective cost of Repo funding for trades executed on the BrokerTec and MTS electronic trading platforms which typically have traded volumes of €230 billion per day (single counted) between the two groups. ICAP Information Services (IIS), the information division of ICAP, calculates and publishes the indices.

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