Buy-side and hedge funds can get EquiLend’s Orbisa data on Snowflake’s market

EquiLend announced the launch of Orbisa securities lending data on Snowflake Marketplace. Orbisa, operated by EquiLend, has a dataset comprising $24 trillion of global lendable equity and fixed income securities. Hedge funds and buy-side firms get direct access and can expect to have a view into all active securities lending markets worldwide, with the ability to analyze a range of securities lending metrics for more than 186,000 individual securities.

Nancy Allen, global head of Data & Analytics Solutions at EquiLend, said in a statement: “Clients and market participants across all regions require robust and transparent data to make informed trading decisions, and we see this integration with Snowflake as a transformational development in the securities lending industry. We are extremely excited about the opportunities and synergies between EquiLend and Snowflake.”

EquiLend and Snowflake, the Data Cloud company, are working together to help market participants gain transparency across their portfolio, add depth to their trading analysis and validate market sentiment across the wider industry.

Snowflake Marketplace uses the fintech’s cross-cloud technology, Snowgrid, allowing companies direct access to raw data products and the ability to leverage data, data services and applications quickly, securely and cost-effectively.

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