We spoke with Jeff Bonaldi at Citi agency lending to hear why his firm is sponsoring Finadium’s Investors in Securities Lending Conference next month. For Citi, the event is about demonstrating the forward-thinking nature of the business.
Why has Citi decided to participate in the Finadium Investors in Securities Lending (FISL) conference?
Citi has prided itself as one of the premier providers of agency lending solutions. As a sponsor of the event, this provides an opportunity for Citi to demonstrate to the industry the innovative and forward thinking nature of our securities lending business. Our ability to deliver solutions to meet our client’s changing market needs is at the core of our dynamic ‘program structure. In addition, by leveraging Citi’s unmatched global presence in emerging and developed markets, Citi is able to lend in more markets than any other lending agent.
Why do you think clients will benefit from attending?
This conference provides the opportunity to engage with leading industry participants on the most important topics in the securities lending marketplace.
Do you see new opportunities for clients in financing markets?
Yes, as the capital markets and regulatory environment continues to evolve, these changes bring new opportunities to enhance and develop securities lending programs. From developments in technology to changes in collateral acceptance, there’s the ability to optimize the way to lend securities. This is exactly the approach that is core to Citi’s lending program. Through our innovative and analytical approach to securities lending, we are able to extract more value for our clients from securities lending than our competitors can achieve.
Are there specific types of professionals who would benefit from a greater understanding of this market, and who should be sure to attend the conference?
It is important for all investors to have a good understanding of the current securities lending market landscape. All investment professionals can benefit from attending and enhancing their understanding of securities lending.
For more information on the Finadium Investors in Securities Lending Conferences this April in New York and London, please visit the event website.