Clearsteam and EuroCCP team up for pan-European post-trade connection

  • EuroCCP-cleared equities and ETFs eligible for settlement via Clearstream Banking S.A.
  • Freetrade first user for several European markets

Clearstream and EuroCCP have launched a new pan-European post-trade connection, making exchange-traded equities and ETFs which are cleared via EuroCCP eligible for settlement via Clearstream Banking in Luxembourg.

Centrally cleared and settled transactions have been in continuously increasing demand across the globe, providing additional safety to complex cross-border transactions. Via Clearstream’s Investor CSD solution, participants can settle their transactions for all T2S markets and the international market within one account, gaining additional liquidity and efficiency for pan-European transactions.

The UK-based investment platform Freetrade is the first customer settling a large range of markets via Clearstream in the framework of this proposal – Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden. Further T2S markets will follow in the coming months.

Thilo Derenbach, head of European Custody Product at Clearstream, said in a statement: “Connecting EuroCCP to our Investor CSD offering adds to Clearstream’s vision of seamless European post-trade market activities, for equities and ETFs as well as fixed-income products. Being able to consolidate their entire trade flows within Clearstream – CCP-cleared or not – investors gain additional liquidity and efficiency for their cross-border transactions.”

Cécile Nagel, EuroCCP’s president, said in a statement: “As a pan-European clearing house with access to multiple CSDs across the continent, the T2S Investor CSD functionality provides a number of important benefits, including operational and funding efficiencies to market participants and end investors. We are looking to further support and innovate with Clearstream as users look for more efficient post trade processes in the future.”

Adam Dodds, CEO at Freetrade, said in a statement: “Freetrade’s direct to market access and proprietary brokerage platform helps to unlock cost-savings that we can pass onto our customers through a simple and low-cost investment experience. We will continue to add more European exchanges to the platform as we expand across Europe.”


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