CME Group to develop derivatives on broad Treasuries repo financing rate

CHICAGOJuly 26, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Following the Alternative Reference Rate Committee‘s (ARRC) recent recommendation that the broad Treasuries repo financing rate should serve as the reference rate in certain new U.S. dollar derivatives and other financial instruments, CME Group, the world’s leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace, today announced that it will develop futures and options on the new benchmark.

Futures and options will launch, pending all regulatory reviews and approvals, after the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the U.S. Treasury Office of Financial Research begin daily publication of the rate, expected in first half of 2018, and would be subject to the rules and regulations of the relevant exchanges at CME Group.

“CME Group commends the committee for its thoughtful and inclusive deliberation during this process,” said Agha Mirza, Global Head of Interest Rate Products at CME Group. “We look forward to developing products on the broad Treasuries repo financing rate, which is based on transactions from deep and actively-traded markets.”

In the next few months, CME Group will engage with customers in its product development efforts. CME Group has spent the past several years exploring products based on similar Treasury repo rates, which would be complementary to its Federal Fund futures and Eurodollar futures products.

CME Group serves as a non-voting member of the ARRC. For more information, please visit

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