CPMI releases latest Red Book payments statistics in new interactive format

The Committee on Payments and Financial Market Infrastructures (CPMI) today published new data on payments and financial market infrastructures through to end-2017. With this year’s edition, the information is presented in an improved format via the BIS Statistics Explorer, an interactive tool for navigating BIS data.

Known as the Red Book statistics, the data cover the CPMI’s 27 member jurisdictions. With the addition of new CPMI members Argentina, Indonesia and Spain, the data span 86% of the world economy and 63% of its population.

Using a new methodology published in August 2017, the statistics now include more information on the role of non-banks, online and contactless payments and fast payments. The new methodology also clarifies how statistics on debit and credit cards should be compiled, and which retail cashless payments count as domestic and which as cross-border.

These preliminary Red Book data comprise country tables only. A final version with additional end-2017 data and comparative tables will be published in December 2018. Historical time series (those before 2012) will appear subsequently.

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