Deutsche Börse launches service for bond liquidity data

  • New service will provide unique market insight on instrument liquidity and transaction data in the fixed-income market
  • Deutsche Börse’s Market Data + Services uses data from instructions on international securities uniquely settled by Clearstream’s ICSD

Via its new Bond Liquidity Data service, Deutsche Börse and its post-trade service provider Clearstream will offer transparency and insights into the highly fragmented fixed-income marketplace. Tapping into aggregated data of settlement instructions for international securities from Clearstream’s ICSD, Bond Liquidity Data enables investors to fairly evaluate fixed-income assets and portfolios, measure liquidity and systemic risk of bond issuers and estimate execution prices for secondary trades.

“European trading in fixed-income instruments is highly fragmented and non-transparent, as most transactions are over the counter and different data is stored with different market participants. Our customers have, therefore, a strong demand for high-quality data on fixed-income instrument prices and volumes. With this new offering, we further support them in making an informed assessment and decision,” says Alireza Dorfard, head of Market Data + Services at Deutsche Börse, in a statement.

Guido Wille, head of Eurobonds Business at Clearstream, said in a statement: “As one of the major international central securities depositories, Clearstream processes close to 800,000 new issuances of international securities annually, including the respective settlement and custody. Being at the beginning and the end of the fixed-income value chain, we are uniquely positioned to provide comprehensive post-trade data, making the international bond market more transparent and thus more efficient.”


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