DSB consults on OTC ISIN and CFI services

The Derivatives Service Bureau (DSB) published the 2023 industry consultation paper related to the 2024 OTC International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) and Classification Financial Instrument code (CFI) service provision.

The consultation paper focuses on the next steps for the Security Operations Centre investigated as part of the 2022 industry consultation. It will also look at the Proprietary Index workflow and any industry suggestions for improvement. A review of proposed changes to the release process is another topic raised in the consultation, as well as the Search Only API User Type Fee determination based on the infrastructure and support costs for programmatic connectivity.

Emma Kalliomaki, managing director of the Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA) and the DSB, said in a statement: “We welcome industry participation to help shape the DSB services. The consultation, alongside the DSB’s outreach initiatives and market education efforts, is designed to ensure that the DSB can effectively serve its users and adapt to an evolving market. We encourage those who can to sign up for our explanatory webinar, where we hope to address any questions on the consultation.”

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