ESMA’s Maijoor highlights risks of no UK CCP recognition under Brexit

The state of implementation of MIFID II and preparing for Brexit
WFE Annual Meeting 2018 – Hotel Grande Bretagne, Athens, Greece
Steven Maijoor
European Securities and Markets Authority

The current legislative framework of EMIR does not allow ESMA to recognise CCPs based in the UK as third-country CCPs as long as it is an EU Member State. This legal obstacle results in a situation where EU Clearing Members, and EU trading venues, are uncertain about the continued access to EMIR-recognised CCPs. To respond to those risks to the stability of EU financial markets, in my view we need to ensure continued access to UK CCPs for EU clearing members and trading venues. Such continued access is in line with the EMIR 2.2 proposal which allows, under certain conditions, systemically important CCPs (Tier 2 CCPs) and non- systematically important CCPs (Tier 1 CCPs) from third countries to provide services in the Union.

So, I would support a swift conclusion of the EMIR 2.2 legislative file, complemented by a transitional provision allowing for the continued access to UK-based CCPs, subject to conditions ensuring that UK CCPs continue to comply with EMIR requirements and colleges continue to monitor this compliance.

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