Eurekahedge: AI funds down, crypto funds outperform bitcoin in January

Fund managers using AI/machine learning strategies were down 8.41% in January. In 2020, AI funds returned 11.24%.

Fund managers focusing on cryptocurrencies were up 30.96% in January as tracked by the Eurekahedge Crypto-Currency Hedge Fund Index, outperforming bitcoin which gained 20.35% over the same period. In terms of 2020 return, cryptocurrency hedge funds gained 200.61% compared to the 296.74% return of bitcoin throughout the year.

*The Eurekahedge AI Hedge Fund Index is an equally weighted index of over a dozen constituent funds. The index is designed to provide a broad measure of the performance of underlying hedge fund managers who use artificial intelligence and machine learning theory in their trading processes.

*The Eurekahedge Crypto-Currency Hedge Fund Index is an equally weighted index of over a dozen constituent funds. The index is designed to provide a broad measure of the performance of underlying hedge fund managers that allocate to bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The index is base weighted at 100 at Jun 2013, does not contain duplicate funds and is denominated in USD.

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