At Eurex Repo, total monthly term-adjusted volume grew by 16% compared to March last year – up from €135.7 billion ($148.5bn) to €157.5 billion, down from February’s €190.7 billion. The GC Pooling Market grew by 27%, while the Repo Market showed a plus of 11%.
Total traded derivatives contracts at Eurex grew by 26% in March, from 195.0 million to 246.2 million compared to the same month last year. Equity index derivatives was again the standout sector with 36% year-on-year growth, from 93.8 million traded contracts to 127.9 million, while interest rate derivatives grew by 23%, from 66.1 million traded contracts to 81.3 million. Total contracts traded in equity derivatives grew by 6%.
Notional outstanding volumes in OTC Clearing grew strongly in March, climbing 28% overall compared to the same month last year – from €21,226 billion to €27,162 billion – with Interest Rate Swaps and Overnight Index Swaps posting growth of 34% and 147%, respectively. Average daily clearing volumes fell by 9% overall, with Interest Rate Swaps remaining stable at their level and Overnight Index Swaps (up 39%) again outpacing overall growth.