At Eurex Repo volumes were down in January both the GC Pooling and repo markets. GC Pooling saw volumes plunge to €62.7 billion ($75.2bn) in January 2021 from €91.5 billion in January 2020, down 32%. In the repo market, volumes fell 11% to €60.4 billion in January 2021 from €67.9 billion in January 2020.

Note: GC Pooling includes all currencies
OTC Clearing
Notional outstanding volumes at Eurex grew 20% year-on-year in January – from 17,054 billion EUR in January 2020 to 20,390 billion EUR this year – while average daily cleared volumes grew by 4% across the same period. Eurex’s euro clearing market share in notional outstanding volume now stands at 20%.
The number of traded financial derivatives contracts at Eurex shows a mixed picture in January, with volumes up for European interest rate derivatives, and down for European equity index and European equity derivatives, for a total reduction in volume of 11%. These figures, and others, are affected by the reduced number of trading days in January 2021 compared to January 2020 – 20 compared to 22.