Finadium has released a new report, CCPs and the Business of Collateral Management. This report looks at the challenging world of CCP collateral management from the perspective of CCPs themselves. Distribution rights to the report have been purchased by Calypso Technology, making the report free through Calypso representatives (see below for the web link).
Central Counterparties (CCPs) have become increasingly public actors in the global marketplace as new financial regulations, including Basel III, Dodd-Frank and EMIR, reinforce their role as risk managers. These changes put a spotlight on how CCPs approach collateral management, which is a central mechanism for mitigating risk in financial markets.
CCPs control at least US$400 billion in collateral assets, according to data collected from the most recent CCP annual reports. Upcoming changes however suggest that the amount of collateral they hold will rise from anywhere between US$100 billion to US$2 trillion, depending on the amount of OTC derivatives that move onto CCP platforms. This potentially dramatic increase of collateral on CCPs means that investors, banks and clearing members should understand the policies, procedures, and the risk models that CCPs use to run their businesses.
Finadium conducted detailed interviews with major CCPs worldwide including several in emerging markets to hear how they view the role of collateral for both risk management and as a potential competitive lever in the marketplace. The report also looks at how CCP goals are being achieved from an operations and technology standpoint. As CCPs work to evaluate their new responsibilities in the post-Lehman era, this report serves as a benchmark guide for understanding CCP rules, roles and rationale for decision-making in the collateral management space.
To access this report, please visit the report page at the Finadium website or download here courtesy of Calypso.