FIS launches global inventory and optimization platform

Many firms are unable to view their global set of inventory positions in one centralized tool, much less allocate them in an optimal way.

Our use cases indicated that there was a strong need for visibility and optimization of inventory across siloes and global locations. This lack of transparency costs you untold time and money. If you can’t see your assets in real-time then you certainly can’t optimize them. You need the very latest settlement and trading information to maximize your portfolio.

There is a solution. FIS has a new, cloud-based offering that you can quickly and cost-effectively use to mobilize your assets. The FIS® Global Inventory and Optimization Platform can be layered over the top of underlying systems, so they remain intact.

Use cases include:

Centralize Your Global Inventory
Aggregate your inventory sources, as well as use in real time, and optimize them to achieve your specific objectives.

Automate Collateral Transfer Pricing
Mobilize assets across owners and entities through automated collateral transfers and lending fee allocations.

Optimize Collateral and Liquidity
Maximize available inventory benefits with configurable optimization rules. Easily import or calculate collateral requirements and schedules.

Reduce Your Collateral Costs
Minimize opportunity and balance sheet costs of collateral allocations, and free up HQLA.

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