FSB finds that jurisdictions have undertaken substantial reforms to mitigate “too-big-to-fail”

FSB 2018 Resolution Report: “Keeping the pressure up“

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This report updates on progress in implementing the framework and policy measures to enhance the resolvability of systemically important financial institutions and sets out the priorities for the FSB’s resolution work going forward. The report finds that jurisdictions have undertaken substantial reforms to mitigate the “too-big-to-fail” (TBTF) problem. Implementation is most advanced in the banking sector where most home and key host jurisdictions of global systemically important banks (G-SIBs) have introduced resolution regimes that are broadly aligned with the FSB’s Key attributes of effective resolution regimes for financial institutionsand have launched their resolution planning for G-SIBs. However, for insurance companies and central counterparties (CCPs) progress is less advanced. The report concludes that it is important to keep the pressure up, on firms to continue strengthening their resolvability and complete the build-out of the necessary capabilities, and on authorities and lawmakers to complete and fully implement the necessary reforms.

Starting early next year, the FSB is going to evaluate the effects of the TBTF reforms in order to determine whether they are achieving their objectives and whether they have had any material unintended consequences. The evaluation will be completed in 2020.


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