FT letter: Market participants should create high quality liquid asset exchange

A letter by Guido Stroemer in the FT responding to the recent article on securities lending:
Sir, As a former, long-time practitioner of the repo and securities lending market, I feel obliged to respond to Patrick Jenkins’ Inside Business column “Regulators’ boost for securities lending has risky implications” (December 1), which is riddled with negative connotations for the securities lending market as an enabler of regulatory arbitrage. This is far from reality. The securities lending market should be recognised as an integral contributor to the financial stability objectives of Basel III liquidity regulation.
Read more at http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/0bcaff02-ae4c-11e5-b955-1a1d298b6250.html#axzz3wBiXP7V0

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