HazelTree partners with AcadiaSoft for collateral management

HazelTree will integrate AcadiaSoft’s MarginSphere® service into the OTC Collateral Management Module of the HazelTree Integrated Treasury Management Solution, enhancing its functionality and connecting HazelTree’s community of hedge fund and asset manager clients to the MarginSphere® community.
NEW YORK – January 19, 2016 HazelTree, the leading integrated treasury management solution provider today announced that it has partnered with AcadiaSoft to enhance the Collateral Management capabilities of the HazelTree Integrated Treasury Management Solution. The enhanced solution will deliver seamless integration between the industry’s leading treasury management and margin automation solutions. It is expected to be generally available in the first quarter of 2016. The HazelTree Integrated Treasury Management Solution serves hedge funds, fund administrators, managed account providers and family offices with powerful, proactive performance enhancement and risk mitigation capabilities. The HazelTree Collateral Manager enables firms to correctly identify, analyze and value collateral, interfacing with either an in-house or third party accounting system or administrator to provide visibility across its range of positions. HazelTree’s Collateral Manager handles any product covered within an ISDA CSA and GMRA. Being integrated into the HazelTree Collateral Manager is the AcadiaSoft MarginSphere® service, a margin confirmation community that streamlines communications between counterparties engaged in collateral management. Its expanded functionality will allow market participants to communicate vital information on exposures, commitments and adjustments between counterparties in a complete, verifiable and secure manner via electronic messaging. The integration will enhance HazelTree’s solution to the complex issues associated with collateral management workflow, further reducing operational risk, saving time and resources and improving transparency, while providing the MarginSphere® community with seamless access to HazelTree’s community of hedge fund and asset manager clients. “Collateral Management is integral to treasury management and it is becoming increasingly complex and difficult to manage due to a range of regulatory and other factors,” said Stephen Casner, Chief Executive Officer of HazelTree. “Our partnership with AcadiaSoft brings best-in-class collateral-management enhancements to our platform and will provide HazelTree customers with additional opportunities to improve business results through reduced risk and more efficient operations.” “Our strategic partnership with HazelTree provides AcadiaSoft with seamless access to HazelTree’s impressive roster of hedge funds and asset managers which is important to the continued expansion of our margin confirmation community,” said David Radley, Client Engagement Director of AcadiaSoft. “By working together, HazelTree and AcadiaSoft will further the implementation of industry standards for the margin process – a critical element of Dodd-Frank and Basel III compliance.” According to the ISDA 2013 Best Practices for the OTC Derivatives Collateral Process, “greater automation of the collateral management process via electronic messaging will standardize the delivery method, content and formatting of margin calls, and will also improve the timeliness and security of call issuance and response.” ISDA also stated that “since the 2008 financial crisis, industry participants have experienced continued growth in margin call volume along with increased scrutiny of the collateral processes. With the onset of regulatory reform across the globe the collective market expectation is that margin call volumes will further increase,” and that “this increase in margin call volumes requires practitioners to further develop their processes to allow for scale while ensuring control. Historically, email has been the most widely used form of communication in the collateral space. However, with the recent introduction of electronic messaging for margin activity there is an opportunity for firms to streamline this aspect of their process.” About AcadiaSoft, Inc. AcadiaSoft, Inc. is the leading industry provider of margin automation solutions for counterparties engaged in collateral management worldwide. AcadiaSoft engages Advisory Groups, Best Practice Forums and Working Groups to provide a unique framework for industry collaboration to create efficiencies in the margin call process and solutions that support full implementation of ISDA Collateral Requirements. MarginSphere®, AcadiaSoft’s industry leading messaging platform, currently serves more than 250 organizations, including the top 27 investment banks and industry custodians. AcadiaSoft is headquartered in Boston with offices in London and New York. For more information please visit www.acadiasoft.com.

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