ION on three goals for repo IT: differentiate, commoditize, and harmonize

  1. Commoditize. Banks’ IT departments shouldn’t be focusing time and effort on highly standardized functionality. If it is common to any customer, they should seek a solution that can be bought ready-tested and production-hardened across the globe.
  2. Differentiate. When a conscious decision is taken to deviate from the norm, it’s with the aim of achieving a competitive advantage. We help customers focus maximum effort on this by providing open APIs and clearly defining the boundaries of what is core (and therefore available to all) and what is customer-specific (and proprietary per client).
  3. Harmonize. It’s not enough to throw a set of loosely coupled parts together and hope for the best. In any complex system, the design needs to consider how each component will work together in the context of many workflows. One massive advantage is to have an underlying technology platform that you can trust to ensure the performance and control of the overall system. And it lets us deliver a modern, consistent, optimized user experience.

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