ISLA, FIA, ICMA and ISDA to create new Master Reporting Agreement

ISLA has partnered with the FIA, ICMA and ISDA, to create a new Master Reporting Agreement. The purpose of the new agreement is to provide for both mandatory and delegated reporting of securities financing transactions under SFTR, and derivative transactions under EMIR entered into under standard industry documentation. The four trade associations will be advised by Linklaters, who will hold the pen on the new agreement. Before they begin drafting a skeleton Master Reporting Agreement, we would like to hear firms’ preferences, guidance and feedback regarding a number of threshold questions on scope, structure, approach and process.

To that end, the supporting paper that is available to download here, includes the following:

• An outline of the relevant reporting requirements/changes under SFTR and EMIR;
• A summary of the expected content of the agreement;
• An outline of the intended approach;

In a communication sent out to all ISLA member firm representatives, as well as the SFTR working group on Wednesday 14 August, we have requested feedback through the completion of a short questionnaire, the responses to which will be collated and sent to Linklaters on an anonymised basis.

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