LCH RepoClear hits record highs in 2022

LCH, part of LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group), reported record volumes registered across LCH clearing services including SwapClear, ForexClear, RepoClear, EquityClear and CDSClear, as well as at SwapAgent.

Across LCH Ltd and SA, RepoClear processed €288.4 trillion ($311.7bn) of nominal across 12.1 million trade sides cleared, both record highs for the service. RepoClear SA processed a record €233.5 trillion nominal of Euro debt across 10.7 million trade sides during 2022, up 20% and 14% year-on year, respectively.

RepoClear Ltd saw year-on-year increases of 29% and 20% with €54.9 trillion of UK Gilt nominal cleared across 1.36 million trade sides, respectively. There are now 31 Sponsored Members for clearing of UK Gilts in RepoClear, with peak open outstanding volume growing over 25% in 2022.

LCH SA’s RepoClear also expanded its settlement connections to investor central securities depositories so that members are now able to settle Dutch Government bonds at Euroclear Netherlands and Austrian and Spanish Government bonds at Clearstream Banking Frankfurt. In June 2022, RepoClear SA introduced an enriched VaR initial margin methodology and later in July 2022, launched Settlement Monitor, a tool to perform analysis of settlement fails and improve settlement performance.


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