Lombard Risk releases Colline V13

London, UK – 17 October 2014: Lombard Risk Management plc (Lombard Risk), a leading provider of integrated collateral management, regulatory compliance and reporting solutions for the financial services industry, is pleased to announce its latest release of COLLINE — the company’s award-winning collateral management, clearing, inventory management and optimisation solution.

Lombard Risk’s COLLINE enables firms to move away from managing collateral in business silos by supporting multiple business lines on a single platform therefore enabling firms to significantly better manage their collateral inventory and optimise to ensure the best use of it — addressing the issues of limited liquidity and lower capital charges. COLLINE version 13 enhancements and new functionality includes:

Regulatory Enhancements – supporting clients in meeting their IOSCO and Basel III regulatory commitments.
User-definable Optimisation Rule Builder – used to create and combine optimisation rules for flexible scenario analysis and optimum allocation of collateral.
Configurable Inventory Manager – providing real-time scenario analysis across financial products and business lines in order to best manage collateral inventory on a firm-wide basis.
Enhanced Collateral Substitution Workflow – automating complex, time-consuming manual processes related to substitutions enabling managers to deal with high volumes more efficiently.

“There are many regulatory issues such as Dodd-Frank/EMIR, IOSCO and Basel III that firms need to adhere to and COLLINE is constantly being enhanced to meet both market and regulatory requirements,” commented John Wisbey, Chief Executive Officer, Lombard Risk. “Thanks to the experience of our dedicated collateral team and the detailed insight provided by our clients we aim to ensure that COLLINE remains the system-of-choice for firms to manage all aspects of their collateral efficiently.”

“It is Lombard Risk’s strategy to provide clients with one solution that combines multiple aspects of optimisation — trade, inventory and collateral — on a single platform,” commented Helen Nicol, Product Director, COLLINE, Lombard Risk. “COLLINE’S strengths in collateral optimisation focuses on its flexible and configurable rule builder offering several algorithms, which in turn drives the allocation process according to the rules selected. The ‘what if’ functionality provides pre-trade and impact analysis for front office decision making.”

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