S&P Global says securities finance market earned $1.082b in March 2022, up 27% year over year

$1.082b in March securities finance revenue

  • March revenues climbed by 27% YoY
  • Corporate bond borrow demand remains robust
  • Continued slump in ADR borrow demand
  • Switzerland & Sweden lead EMEA upswing.

Global securities finance revenues totaled $1.08b in March, a 27% YoY rise, with most major categories showing YoY growth apart from ADRs. March saw the highest global equity revenue for this quarter which can be attributed to the recovery in EMEA and Americas equity revenues. For the third consecutive month, ADRs saw a YoY decline in revenues, loan balances and fees in March. In this note, we will discuss the drivers of March revenue.

The full note is available at https://ihsmarkit.com/research-analysis/securities-finance-march-2022-snapshot.html

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