Velocimetrics offers free trial for network streaming/data analytics cloud product

Velocimetrics announced that its cloud network streaming and data analytics product, stream2Cloud, is now available on 3-month trial licenses at no charge. stream2Cloud allows firms to capture and extract network packet data in real time from multiple locations into private, public or hybrid cloud, something which was previously prohibitively expensive and which potentially left blind spots.

Paul Spencer, COO of Velocimetrics, said in a statement: “Our offering of a free trial period of up to 3 months is especially important in light of the current climate, where cloud applications are becoming increasingly more important in the day-to-day running of businesses, and where the majority of the workforce is working remotely. It is a great opportunity for companies to see how stream2Cloud operates and the benefits that it will bring to their businesses. It’s so easy to install that one of our interns got it up-and-running in less than two hours, without any training.”

The platform can be deployed and installed in as little as 1-2 weeks, a significant reduction from the average of 3-6 months for traditional solutions. This significantly reduces the cost of installing appliances in co-locations, with clients saving between 50%-90% on costs and capital spend.

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