Cash is king in the FRB “Senior Credit Officer Opinion Survey on Financing Terms”. We look at the questions they ask on collateral posted in OTC derivatives.
The UK Investment Management Association wants to talk about clearing and segregation of client assets
US Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee, in an about face, throws support to GCF Repo Indices as benchmark for UST Floaters
Fitch publishes “Repos: A Deep Dive in the Collateral Pool”, an update to the tri-party repo market for less liquid collateral
Sovereigns and OTC Derivatives Clearing: the rules are a mess. We look at an excellent paper from BNYM.
Finadium: 2012 asset manager survey highlights CCPs, indemnification, collateralization for non-cleared derivatives
Another shoe drops: Basel Committee and IOSCO issue consultation paper on margin for non-cleared derivatives
Singh and Stella on the velocity of collateral: banks just don't trust each other. We think there is more to it.
Bank of New York Mellon targets DTC-cleared paper in the next step in tri-party reform. This one is going to hurt.
LCH.Clearnet to buy International Derivatives Clearing Group, putting another piece in the clearing puzzle