The threat of illicit cryptocurrency mining represents an increasingly common cybersecurity risk for
enterprises and individuals, with mining detections increasing 459 percent between 2017 to 2018. As
the values of various cryptocurrencies increase and they are used more often, malicious cyber actors
are using computers, web browsers, internet-of-things (IoT) devices, mobile devices, and network
infrastructure to steal their processing power to mine cryptocurrencies.
Combined threat intelligence from Cyber Threat Alliance members shows that this rapid growth shows no signs of slowing down, even with recent decreases in cryptocurrency value.
Because this threat is relatively new, many people do not understand it, its potential significance, or
what to do about it. Therefore, CTA decided to use the combined resources of its members to produce a Joint Analysis, which describes the current state of illicit cryptocurrency mining, its impacts, recommendations to reduce your risk, and a discussion of the future of the illicit mining threat.