Eurex Repo volumes up 68% to €179.4bn in December

Eurex Repo’s average daily term-adjusted volume was up 68% at €179.4 billion (190.0bn) year-over-year (yoy) in December, down from November’s €243.8 billion. The GC Pooling market was up 153% while the Repo Market grew by 40% year-on-year.

Repo: average daily term-adjusted volume on Eurex Repo December 2022 December 2021 Change
GC Pooling (billion €) 67.5 26.7 153%
Repo Market (billion €) 111.9 79.9 40%
Total (billion €) 179.4 106.6 68%

Full year results are below

Repo: average daily term-adjusted volume on Eurex Repo 2022 2021 Change
GC Pooling (billion €) 65.7 48.1 +37%
Repo Market (billion €) 144.4 92.2 +57%
Total (billion €) 210.1 140.3 +50%

*GC Pooling includes all currencies

Read our interview with Eurex Repo’s experts as they explain the dynamics behind the growth in GC Pooling and how it’s linked to market crises and central bank policies.

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