
Finadium releases UK SFTR analytics

Finadium has expanded its analytics capabilities for Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR) data with a GUI covering UK and EU SFTR data. The enhanced analytics provide a customizable interface for accessing reports by product type, trade repository, counterparty type and other variables. SFTR reports are provided in a time series format starting July 2020. The data are available for Finadium clients as part of the regular subscription.

A primary value of our user interface is the ability to drill down into data based on a preferred filter: for example, starting with transaction type or cleared vs. non-cleared. Reports can be downloaded in CSV or users can create a fast chart for download in .jpeg format.

Get UK and EU SFTR data here

UK SFTR data are an important market segment. Trade repository reports show that for the week ending January 8, 2021, the aggregate amount of securities lent across reporting UK and EU reporting firms was €31.48 trillion. This figure was roughly split between reported EU and UK transactions.

The expansion of SFTR analytics is part of Finadium’s ongoing transition towards providing additional data services to the market. Other Finadium datasets include:

  • US Mutual Funds and ETFs in Securities Lending – a database of fund securities lending activities across four types of US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings.
  • Hedge Funds and Prime Brokerage Relationships – organized data from hedge fund filings on prime brokerage relationships and a reverse look-up of prime brokers and their hedge fund clients.
  • US Repo Analytics – a database of rates, volumes and public reports covering over 200 variables.

Finadium maintains complex datasets for the benefit of the financial services industry where our subject matter expertise can add value in analysis and quality assurance. The data are available in two models:

  • Searches and queries available online for Finadium subscription clients
  • Supported access for custom analytics and consulting

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