Finadium training: Securities Lending 101 client webinar, March 5, 2019

Finadium will present an online training session for our clients: Securities Lending 101 will run on Tuesday March 5, 2019 at 10AM EST / 3PM GMT / 11PM HKT. We are offering this webinar to new and existing clients with employees looking for education on the basics of the securities lending industry.

This 45 minute webinar will cover how the transaction works, who are the players, how money is made and what are the risk factors. We will also discuss newer dynamics including interest rate changes and the use of CCPs. We will address securities lending practices in both cash and non-cash models. There will be time for Q&A during the presentation.

We encourage any Finadium research or consulting client new to securities lending to register for this webinar, including firms that are now launching securities lending programs, firms with trainees or new hires in their existing securities lending departments, and non-specialist practitioners (legal, risk, IT, etc.) who could benefit from a better understanding of business activity. The webinar a good opportunity to gather information on how transactions work and the terminology used.

Questions can be asked anonymously using our online webinar platform. If you have questions you are afraid to ask, this is your time. We also welcome your questions in advance if you have topics you would like covered.

The presentation for this webinar will be sent by email to registrants prior to start.

Please visit to register for the webinar. Please note that this webinar is for Finadium clients only, and is not available to firms that neither subscribe to Finadium research nor are consulting clients.

Can’t make the webinar date? We will post a replay on Securities Finance Monitor accessible with your login.

Besides benefitting from the training, attendees will help themselves prepare for the Finadium Investors in Securities Lending (FISL) Conference, May 2-3, 2019 in New York. Registration is now live.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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