Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund issues RFI for impact of stock lending suspension

We request the public for information relating to (not necessarily limited to) the following areas.

Any information and ideas of quantitative analytical methods based on data

  • The “Information and ideas” of quantitative analytical methods and necessary data, for analyzing the “effects of its stock lending suspension to the market”. (If possible, please provide a rough cost estimate for that analytical method/research study as well.)

Any information supportive to conduct the above quantitative analyses

  • Information relating to recent stock lending market (e.g. trade volume, borrowing cots/premium, trends, new developments, and main players (borrowers, lenders, brokers, and so forth)
  • The purposes of stock lending activities for borrowers
  • The academic research papers relating to stock lending activities
  • Other matters relating to stock lending activity, that GPIF should be aware of, if any

The RFI is available at https://www.gpif.go.jp/en/info/RFI_lending_en.pdf

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