SocGen CIB launches fintech incubator for global markets

With this launch, Societe Generale Corporate & Investment Banking (SG CIB) adopts a pioneering approach in incubation for start-ups specialising in market activities, while strengthening its support to the Fintech ecosystem. The selected Fintechs will benefit from SG CIB’s recognised market expertise, as well as the backing of Le Swave incubator based in La Défense, Paris.

SG CIB is inviting applications from market-dedicated Fintechs to be part of Global Markets Incubator. The incubator will be looking to co-build high-performance offerings, and will be aiming to work with the most innovative Fintechs that add value to services for clients.

The selected Fintechs will enjoy access to SG CIB’s global markets’ expertise through close collaboration with its market operators, sales forces, financial engineers and other experts, and will also have direct access to continental Europe’s largest trading floor. Their base will be at Paris&Co’s offices in conjunction with Le Swave, the incubator solely dedicated to Fintech firms of which Societe Generale is one of the founding partners.

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