What we learned at the Finadium Zurich Securities Lending and Repo Update last week (Premium Content)
Thursday news roundup: defining liquidity, Moody’s, seclending CCPs, non-bank financial credit providers
Wednesday News Roundup: repo failures, Germany collateralizes, bank benefits from collateral (Finadium subscribers only)
New data on why and when for collateral transformations in securities lending (Finadium subscribers only)
The next proposed US rules: adjusting the denominator of the Leverage Ratio (Finadium subscribers only)
Promontory paper on CCPs and indemnification puts one question to bed while raising many tougher ones
Trends from emerging vendors in securities finance and collateral management (Finadium subscribers only)
What's the right margin for collateral in securities lending? 102%? 105%? 120%? (Finadium subscribers only)
The FSB announces the 2nd phase of their study on securities financing; this time its all about haircuts
Eurex interview with Finadium: “Market participants are most concerned about netting of counterparty exposures”
White paper argues up to 97% savings from using a securities lending CCP, but best to look a little closer before repeating those figures