Video highlight: DTCC’s Jim Hraska on porting client clearing functionality between FICC and NSCC, FISL 2023
The language of indemnification on CCPs for repo and securities finance buy-side clearing could offer a path to market improvements
Video highlight: LCH’s Emmanuel Rolland on leveraged funds and margin in repo clearing, Rates & Repo Europe 2023
Video highlight: LSEG’s Bruce Kellaway on three current themes for European repo, Rates & Repo Europe 2023
Video highlight: State Street’s Cassandra Jones on the ease of access for the buy-side to repo clearing, Rates & Repo Europe 2023
FISL preview: legal experts flag how banking stress could add to pile of regulations impacting secfinance
The Sunthay argument for why Guaranteed Repo is the only viable short-term solution for repo constraints
Is Credit Suisse’s new financing round enough to change market opinion on the safety of the bank as counterparty?