Monday news roundup: repo settlement; variation margin at CCPs; the Open Ledger Project and more (Premium)
Regulators, please note: the focus on Shadow Banking regulation must be on the smart allowance of risk (Premium Content)
Finadium: Balance Sheet Optimization Strategies (Self-Funding) for Hedge Funds and Other Alternative Asset Managers
Inter-clearer FICC tri-party trading at DTCC will come to an end in July, 2016. Did the Fed just get impatient?
An analysis of the BCBS consultation paper “Haircut floors for non-centrally cleared securities financing transactions” (Premium Content)
Derivatives, Securities Financing and the Law of Conservation: Transforming Counterparty Risk into Liquidity Risk
The latest ICMA European Repo Council Survey is out; behind the headlines are some interesting trends
Fed Governor Tarullo speaks on regulating insurers liability sensitive activities, including sec lending, repo, and collateral management
Finadium: Can the Blockchain Work for Securities Finance, OTC Derivatives and Other Collateralized Transactions?
How the Fed will really raise rates, and immediate impacts on securities finance and rates businesses (Premium Content)
Monthly balance sheet optimization exercises in the US: data from the Fed suggests it is now a reality
Will Basel III rules mean that seclending and repo get swallowed up by OTC derivatives? (Premium Content)
Fed Governor Jerome H. Powell spoke on the factors behind disappearing US Treasury liquidity. Its not just regulation.
Measuring the impact of LCR and other liquidity regulation on banks – a new study by the Bank of England