The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets a new, extraterritorial standard for client data protection
Best practices for buy-side securities lending at FISL NYC and London – not just a good idea but important for revenues and risk management
The Basel Committee thinks there are five bank scenarios for fintech disruption; only one matters in capital markets (Premium)
News Update: dividend taxes in Switzerland, the US and Germany; and what’s next for the Basel Committee (Premium)
The Minneapolis Fed wants a 15% Leverage Ratio and a 1.2% tax on secured financing. That’s one way to reduce risk…
The plot thickens: the first amended complaint on US banks alleging collusion in securities lending shows the fruits of discovery (Premium)
We’re not much worried about US tax reform’s impact on repo, but non-tri-party, non-DvP repo participants should stay alert
A quick primer on “settled-to-market” vs. “collateralized-to-market” in counterparty credit risk (Premium)
Morgan Stanley buys 11.4% of – is a conversation about securities lending on the blockchain next? (Premium)