Monday news roundup: repo settlement; variation margin at CCPs; the Open Ledger Project and more (Premium)
Basel III regulation gives a specific reason for why blockchain will save banks billions in regulatory costs (Premium)
De-mystifying blockchain in financial services: feedback and questions from the Finadium client webinar (Premium)
The big yawn – why a Fed rate hike no longer really matters for cash collateral in securities lending (Premium)
An interesting twist in returns from cash and non-cash collateral in securities lending (Premium Content)
Regulators, please note: the focus on Shadow Banking regulation must be on the smart allowance of risk (Premium Content)
Are collateral technology firms competitors or compliments to custodians and other outsourcers? (Premium Content)
Free from Finadium: Securities Lending, Market Liquidity and Retirement Savings: The Real World Impact
Finadium: Balance Sheet Optimization Strategies (Self-Funding) for Hedge Funds and Other Alternative Asset Managers
Inter-clearer FICC tri-party trading at DTCC will come to an end in July, 2016. Did the Fed just get impatient?
An analysis of the BCBS consultation paper “Haircut floors for non-centrally cleared securities financing transactions” (Premium Content)
Derivatives, Securities Financing and the Law of Conservation: Transforming Counterparty Risk into Liquidity Risk