4Sight’s Jonathan Cooper on cross-product technology integration and margin rules for uncleared derivatives
Monday news roundup: repo settlement; variation margin at CCPs; the Open Ledger Project and more (Premium)
Are collateral technology firms competitors or compliments to custodians and other outsourcers? (Premium Content)
Finadium: Balance Sheet Optimization Strategies (Self-Funding) for Hedge Funds and Other Alternative Asset Managers
Should we stop talking about collateral optimization now in favor of something bigger? (Premium Content)
Finadium: Can the Blockchain Work for Securities Finance, OTC Derivatives and Other Collateralized Transactions?
Survey preview: insurance companies, fund managers and collateral policies (Finadium subscribers only)
Trends from emerging vendors in securities finance and collateral management (Finadium subscribers only)
Finadium report: A Buyer's Guide to Collateral Management Technology for Large Financial Institutions