Monthly balance sheet optimization exercises in the US: data from the Fed suggests it is now a reality
Derivatives trades have moved from the US to Europe: has counterparty risk management kept up? (Premium Content)
Will Basel III rules mean that seclending and repo get swallowed up by OTC derivatives? (Premium Content)
From Wired Magazine: “Overstock CEO Uses Bitcoin Tech to Spill Wall Street Secret”. The secret is sec lending.
Fed Governor Jerome H. Powell spoke on the factors behind disappearing US Treasury liquidity. Its not just regulation.
Measuring the impact of LCR and other liquidity regulation on banks – a new study by the Bank of England
June 2015 Federal Reserve Senior Credit Officer Opinion Survey on Dealer Financing Terms (SCOOS) special questions: what happened to fixed-income liquidity?
The Fed’s Senior Credit Officer Opinion Survey (SCOOS) on Dealer Financing Terms shows some hints of repo markets to come
Bloomberg article: “Who Will Save the Repo Market? Barclays Has a Few Ideas”. Some ideas might have been missed.
OFR Financial Stability Monitor tracks drivers behind markets. We take a close look at Funding/Liquidity.