Office of Financial Research (OFR) on large US banks and systemic risk: what indicators are they looking at?
Some additional observations from the IMN Beneficial Owners Conference in San Francisco: dealers predicting the future
Should declining liquidity in the US Treasury markets push haircuts on UST repo up? We think there is a good case.
Fed’s Dec. 2014 Senior Credit Officer Opinion Survey (SCOOS): balance sheet tightening, margins and volatility
SEC Chair Mary Jo White on seclending transparency for asset managers, and our recommendations on specifics
Highlights from comment letters on the “Regulatory Framework for Haircuts on Non-Centrally Cleared Securities Financing Transactions”
A rare black eye in the peer to peer repo space shows the need for careful due diligence (Premium Content)
Part II: The Fed releases rules on capital for GSIBs, includes extra requirements for securities financing trades
Part I: The Fed releases rules on capital for GSIBs, includes extra requirements for securities financing trades