Fed’s Dec. 2014 Senior Credit Officer Opinion Survey (SCOOS): balance sheet tightening, margins and volatility
SEC Chair Mary Jo White on seclending transparency for asset managers, and our recommendations on specifics
Highlights from comment letters on the “Regulatory Framework for Haircuts on Non-Centrally Cleared Securities Financing Transactions”
A rare black eye in the peer to peer repo space shows the need for careful due diligence (Premium Content)
Part II: The Fed releases rules on capital for GSIBs, includes extra requirements for securities financing trades
Part I: The Fed releases rules on capital for GSIBs, includes extra requirements for securities financing trades
Fed releases request for public comment on regulating GE Capital. These rules will keep GECC busy for a while.
Wednesday news roundup: corporate bond liquidity; the leverage ratio; asset managers and capital requirements (Premium Content)
The FSB on securities finance data collection and aggregation: a good start but there are some tough points to resolve
Collateral Transfer Pricing: a new report from Finadium, InteDelta and SunGard (free with registration)
Corporates: how to invest their cash? Is non-intermediated access to centrally cleared tri-party repo coming?