4Sight’s Jonathan Cooper on cross-product technology integration and margin rules for uncleared derivatives
Regulators, please adjust the rules to preference the underlying markets, not the derivatives markets
Monday news roundup: repo settlement; variation margin at CCPs; the Open Ledger Project and more (Premium)
The big yawn – why a Fed rate hike no longer really matters for cash collateral in securities lending (Premium)
An interesting twist in returns from cash and non-cash collateral in securities lending (Premium Content)
Regulators, please note: the focus on Shadow Banking regulation must be on the smart allowance of risk (Premium Content)
Free from Finadium: Securities Lending, Market Liquidity and Retirement Savings: The Real World Impact
Finadium: Balance Sheet Optimization Strategies (Self-Funding) for Hedge Funds and Other Alternative Asset Managers
An analysis of the BCBS consultation paper “Haircut floors for non-centrally cleared securities financing transactions” (Premium Content)
The latest ICMA European Repo Council Survey is out; behind the headlines are some interesting trends
Fed Governor Tarullo speaks on regulating insurers liability sensitive activities, including sec lending, repo, and collateral management