The Systemic Risk Council publishes an interactive tool for looking at bank stats. We especially like “Short Term Noncore Funding as a Percent of Total Assets”.
The Oliver Wyman/Morgan Stanley survey of wholesale markets: something new or just the same old stuff?
The Fed publishes “Overnight RRP Operations as a Monetary Policy Tool: Some Design Considerations”, a look at the RRP program objectives and risks, Part II
Highlights from comment letters: the FSB’s proposal on Trade Repositories in securities finance (Premium Content)
The Fed publishes “Overnight RRP Operations as a Monetary Policy Tool: Some Design Considerations”, a look at the RRP program objectives and risks, Part I
Should declining liquidity in the US Treasury markets push haircuts on UST repo up? We think there is a good case.
Highlights from comment letters on the “Regulatory Framework for Haircuts on Non-Centrally Cleared Securities Financing Transactions”
A rare black eye in the peer to peer repo space shows the need for careful due diligence (Premium Content)
Part II: The Fed releases rules on capital for GSIBs, includes extra requirements for securities financing trades
Part I: The Fed releases rules on capital for GSIBs, includes extra requirements for securities financing trades